Economic Empowerment

Since 2004, Sharek Youth Forum has played a pioneering role in the design and implementation of programmes to enrich youth skills and experiences, in order to increase their competitive advantage in the labour market. Structural barriers to economic growth in Palestine, primarily caused by the Israeli occupation, have led to exceedingly high unemployment rates, with young people being the most impacted. Currently 1 out of 4 young people in Palestine are unemployed. Sharek believes that gainful employment is a basic human right and that it strengthens all other socio-economic rights. Therefore, we apply a human rights-based approach to our interventions, aiming for long-term structural change. With a recognized gap between the skills learned through traditional education and the actual needs of the labour market, it is clear that young people need options.


That is why We work side by side with the private sector and higher education institutions to bridge this gap. Simultaneously, we encourage the youth to consider non-traditional economic options, such as enrolling in vocational training or establishing their own start-up. With over 20,000 graduates every year and the labour market being able to welcome only 5,000, it is time to think outside the box. We place a special emphasis on young Women, noting that Women are the most marginalised in the labour force.