
Background: There is a significant gap between the skills taught in educational institutions and the skills required in the labor market in Jordan and Palestine. This is why skills training is essential. However, acquiring the necessary skills within a safe labor market poses challenges in this region. Therefore, the importance of economic empowerment is increasingly recognized.
Project summary:
This project is funded by Erasmus+ program, CINOP, Bantani Education, Jordan River Foundation, and Sharek Youth Forum to improve the resilience and self-sustainability of youth in both Palestine and Jordan. It aims to strengthen the capacity of organizations that work with youth in a unique way far from conventional learning. As it seeks to promote non-formal learning in third countries, targeting people with fewer opportunities to ensure active participation in society. And lastly, to foster synergy and complementaries with formal education. This project addresses some challenges faced by both palestinian and Jordanians, like non-efficient skills training, through capacity building. in entrepreneurial skills Palestine (Sharek forum), Jordan 
(Jordan river institution).To effectively implement and sustain our initiatives, EnterComp 4 Youth employs a comprehensive work strategy where 32 youth workers from the organization funding this project are trained then these professionals subsequently train 24 youth trainers in entrepreneurship skills for young people. These newly trained youth trainers will then extend their outreach to benefit youths in their communities, in total 80 youths will undergo and benefit from  EnterComp 4 youth training.




This project is a  Capacity building project in the field of youth. Capacity-building projects are international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of youth in Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. They aim to support the international cooperation and policy dialogue in the field of youth and non-formal learning, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development and well-being of youth organisations and young people.


This project aims to:

  • Strengthen the capacity of organizations working with young people outside formal learning;

  • Promote non-formal learning activities in third countries not associated with the Programme, specifically targeting young people with fewer opportunities. The goal is to improve their competences and ensure active participation in society;
  • Foster synergies and complementarities with formal education systems and/or the labor market.


Many young people in Palestine and Jordan face challenges in finding proper skills training and decent work in a safe environment allowing them to actively participate in society and connect to the labour market. The project addresses these issues through targeted capacity building in entrepreneurial skills training for organizations in Palestine (Sharek Youth Forum) and Jordan (Jordan River Foundation). The aim is to indirectly contribute to a more resilient, motivated, and competent labor force, while also fostering self-employment and job creation.


Throughout the project, 32 youth workers from beneficiary organizations are chosen as master trainers and trained to subsequently train youth workers across Palestine and Jordan. They will acquire the skills needed to work with the Arab Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp), a unique tool designed to cultivate resilience, initiative, and collaboration skills tailored to the specific context.


The chosen master trainers will subsequently train 24 youth trainers in entrepreneurship skills for young people. These newly trained youth trainers will then extend their outreach to disadvantaged youths in their communities, who will be the final beneficiaries of the entrepreneurship skills development activities. The training sessions will incorporate innovative digital methods, including Virtual and Augmented reality. In total, 80 youths will undergo EntreComp training via interactive VR scenarios.



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. The European Union can not be held responsible for them