Your Health

Your Health

Campaign Overview

Awareness campaigns in health play a fundamental role in enhancing awareness and knowledge of health issues and achieving public health among young people. These campaigns raise awareness and knowledge about various health issues, such as preventing chronic diseases, proper nutrition, exercising, mental health, and healthy lifestyles. Negative practices affecting health are also addressed, and with increased health awareness, individuals become more capable of making informed decisions and adopting healthy behaviors.

Furthermore, awareness campaigns work to promote desirable health behaviors. When individuals become aware of the potential risks of unhealthy behaviors, they become more willing to change these behaviors and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, these campaigns contribute to disease prevention by identifying the causes of disease transmission or methods of infection.


Targeted Audience


Campaign Outputs

As a result of Sharek Youth's faith in the significance of health awareness, Sharek has launched a set of campaigns addressing several health issues and the rights of people with disabilities in partnership with various official and non-official entities concerned with health issues and people with disabilities.

  1. Your Health in Your Aware.

 A campaign that aims to provide information about positive health practices that have an impact on children and youth through field visits in many villages, Bedouin communities, and universities, in participation with Sharek volunteers, YPEER Network, and Tamayyaz program students. The campaign targeted more than 120 sites across the governorates. Including hosting professionals in nutrition and sports, in addition to several doctors. The campaign also included awareness advice through messages through social media platforms.

  1. Yes, I Can - Better Health for Diabetic Patients.

In support of diabetic patients and raising awareness about disease prevention methods, the Sharek Youth Forum and the Diabetic Friends Society organized the “Yes, I Can" campaign. The campaign included a series of awareness and educational activities, as well as various physical activities, and theatrical and artistic performances, highlighting the importance of disease prevention. Additionally, the campaign aimed to raise awareness about interacting with diabetic patients and the role of appropriate healthcare services in alleviating the burden on patients and their families.

  1. Your Health Matters - Breast Cancer      

A periodic campaign conducted annually by the Sharek Youth Forum and the YPEER Network aims to raise awareness about breast cancer and encourage women to go through early screening. Through a series of interventions and awareness activities, as well as visits to numerous locations lacking healthcare services, accompanied by mobile clinics to provide free screenings for women. The campaign also includes various activities targeting children affected by cancer through visits to cancer treatment departments in Palestinian hospitals.

  1. Smile - Oral Health

To raise awareness about the importance of oral health, the Sharek Youth Forum, in partnership with the Oral Health Promotion Unit at the Faculty of Medicine - Al-Quds University, launched the "Smile" campaign. This campaign included a series of awareness sessions and medical examination tours for children and women in various Palestinian villages and Bedouin communities and numerous educational activities at Al-Quds University. The campaign, which began in 2016 on World Oral Health Day, served over 1000 children and more than 300 women, providing examinations and referrals for medical cases.